Welcome to Art

In Art and Design, students are encouraged to engage in a wide range of topics, issues and interests, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of other subjects. Art by its very nature is a process of discovery and can be used as a vehicle to spark student’s interests and satisfy their natural curiosity. 

Through studying art, we allow students to develop a range of qualities such as open-mindedness, empathy and an interest in the wider world. Art students have a good imagination, are reflective and demonstrate a deeper appreciation of others. We aim to uphold the Catholic values throughout our curriculum, which the school community pride themselves on.

As well as the technical skills gained through art making, the skills students develop throughout their Art education include critical/deeper thinking, analytical skills, develop debate and communication skills as well as becoming excellent researchers and independent learners. 

Art is a naturally inclusive subject and as such all Art lessons are differentiated to give students a wide set of skills and tailor the curriculum to each individual student’s strengths and ability. All students can achieve in Art.

Ms Alex Moulton